Hi all, I am new to the group and trying to evaluate the DataDirect driver for Amazon RedShift. I downloaded the driver onto my RHEL5 linux host. The install fails with this message:
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH
environment variable. You must install a VM prior to
running this program.
However, JDK 7 with JVM is already installed. I think I have the JAVA_HOME, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly. Any help would be appreciated.
Can you please tell what the following commands outputs are ?
1) which java
2) java -version
1. Which java
2. Java –version
java version "1.7.0_60"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_60-b19)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 24.60-b09, mixed mode)
Can you please tell what the following commands outputs are ?
1) which java
2) java -version
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Thanks Arun for the reply. We want to repro this in our environment. Could you please share the build of the installer that you downloaded?
Thanks Arun for the reply. We want to repro this in our environment. Could you please share the build of the installer that you downloaded?. Our installer team has tested the following version of the build and informed that it is working fine.
I tested the redshift EVAL install on nc-lnx51 machine using the installer from following location,
Suite Installer[collapse] from: /home/users/is/server/odbc/SuiteInstaller/7.1.0/20140718/linux64/ PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_64_INSTALL.bin
Redshift Merge module[collapse] from: /home/users/odbcqa/odbcserver/DriverMergeModule/redshift/linux64/7.1.0/20140715/PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_REDSHIFT_7.1.4_LINUX_64_INSTALL.iam.zip
Common Merge module from : /home/users/odbcqa/odbcserver/CommonMergeModule/odbc_common/linux64/7.1.0/20140715/PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_COMMON_7.1.4_LINUX_64_INSTALL.iam.zip
Doc Merge module[collapse] from: /home/users/odbcqa/odbcserver/CommonMergeModule/odbc_doc/7.1.0/20140716/PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_DOCUMENTATION_7.1.4_INSTALL.iam.zip
The java version is
[odbcqa@nc-lnx51 ODBC_71_64bit_12]$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_02"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_02-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)
I didn’t find any issue.
Please let me know if there is any particular machine on which I can repro the issue.
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Please use
./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin LAX_VM <path to java executable>
./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin LAX_VM <path to java> -i console
for console mode installation
Please use
./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin LAX_VM <path to java executable>
./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin LAX_VM <path to java> -i console
for console mode installation
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Hi Arun,
Please also paste the command that you entered for running the installer.
We also cannot rule out the possibility of the installer corruption during transfer of the files. Is it possible to download a fresh instance of the installer from Progress ESD and run it.
Also let us know if you trying to run the installer in the GUI mode or console character mode
The example of the command for GUI mode (using custom java location as /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java) would be as follows,
>cd <path/ to/ the/ installer/ location>
>./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin LAX_VM /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java
and for console mode would be as follows,
>cd <path/ to/ the/ installer/ location>
>./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin LAX_VM /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java -i console
Hi Arun,
Please also paste the command that you entered for running the installer.
We also cannot rule out the possibility of the installer corruption during transfer of the files. Is it possible to download a fresh instance of the installer from Progress ESD and run it.
Also let us know if you trying to run the installer in the GUI mode or console character mode
The example of the command for GUI mode (using custom java location as /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java) would be as follows,
>cd <path/ to/ the/ installer/ location>
>./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin LAX_VM /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java
and for console mode would be as follows,
>cd <path/ to/ the/ installer/ location>
>./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin LAX_VM /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java -i console
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Hi Arun,
A few more questions,
-> Did you try using a new download tar.Z from Progressw ESD?
-> Please print the output of command "uname -a".
-> Please print the output of the command "more /etc/redhat-release".
Hi Arun,
A few more questions,
-> Did you try using a new download tar.Z from Progressw ESD?
-> Please print the output of command "uname -a".
-> Please print the output of the command "more /etc/redhat-release".
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Hi Arun,
We need more debug logs to investigate since we are not able to reproduce this issue,
Can you do the following steps,
-> Open a bourne shell prompt
-> set LAX_DEBUG=true
-> Run the installer using the bourne shell “-x” debug option, do this twice, first without the LAX_VM option and second with LAX_VM.like so:
sh -x ./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin | tee $HOME/dbg_nolax_file.txt
sh -x ./PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_ODBC_7.1_LINUX_32_INSTALL.bin LAX_VM /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java -i console | tee $HOME/dbg_withlax_file.txt
Send us the dbg_nolax_file.txt and dbg_withlax_file.txt log files, we will look into it.
Hi Arun,
Any update here? I'd really like to get to the bottom of this problem for you. We could also move this to our support team where we might be able to better work together to get a reproducible environment.