ODBC problem using oesql.properties file

Posted by thiago.carnaes on 14-Oct-2013 17:15


Is there any problem using oesql.properties file for odbc connections that crashes database 10.2B?

Thanks in advance.

Thiago Carnaes

Posted by Phillip Molly Malone on 14-Oct-2013 22:35

Hi Thiago,

Are you seeing crashes? If so, could you give us some more information on the type of crashes your seeing? I don't know any off the top of my head but I wouldn't be surprised if there a cause for it.

Things that would be helpful:

1) Exact OpenEdge Release and Service Pack you are using

2) Operating System you are using

3) The exact error your seeing.

Also, this may be better handled by contacting Tech Support.



All Replies

Posted by Phillip Molly Malone on 14-Oct-2013 22:35

Hi Thiago,

Are you seeing crashes? If so, could you give us some more information on the type of crashes your seeing? I don't know any off the top of my head but I wouldn't be surprised if there a cause for it.

Things that would be helpful:

1) Exact OpenEdge Release and Service Pack you are using

2) Operating System you are using

3) The exact error your seeing.

Also, this may be better handled by contacting Tech Support.



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