Looking thought this blog post: https://www.progress.com/blogs/integrating-corticon-into-your-application
I discovered the option of embedding Corticon in a service.
But besides this blog post, there is nothing to be found about this option in the documentation of Corticon.
I did manage to create a DLL from an EDS file. But I'm not sure which Corticon Server .Net DLL's are needed to get it to work.
So my first question is, is this a supported scenario, and how is licensing done in this scenario?
And the second question, is there an example of a decision service embedded in a .Net application?
I confirm that you can embed Corticon calls in your .Net application. I did some POC using version some time ago.
I think this aspect is documented in the .Net Corticon server (have a look on Home > Corticon Server: Deploying Web Services with .NET > Using .NET Business Objects as payload for Decision Services )
From memory :
- You have to add DLL files you will find after installing the .Net server version of Corticon in the references of your .Net application.
- Then, in your .Net application, you will have to call methods very similar to what happens with a remote call : i.e. you'll have to start a (local) CorticonServer, load some rules on it, and then call them
But I don't remember if you'll have to used some IKVM utilities to convert your business .Net entities to some .jar package?
In all cases, there is a basic .Net sample called "jom" you can find in "samples" folder under your Corticon .Net server installation path showing all the necessary steps.
I hope this can help.
I confirm that you can embed Corticon calls in your .Net application. I did some POC using version some time ago.
I think this aspect is documented in the .Net Corticon server (have a look on Home > Corticon Server: Deploying Web Services with .NET > Using .NET Business Objects as payload for Decision Services )
From memory :
- You have to add DLL files you will find after installing the .Net server version of Corticon in the references of your .Net application.
- Then, in your .Net application, you will have to call methods very similar to what happens with a remote call : i.e. you'll have to start a (local) CorticonServer, load some rules on it, and then call them
But I don't remember if you'll have to used some IKVM utilities to convert your business .Net entities to some .jar package?
In all cases, there is a basic .Net sample called "jom" you can find in "samples" folder under your Corticon .Net server installation path showing all the necessary steps.
I hope this can help.
I've managed to get it to work. Thanks for the answers.
But I do feel it's still not very clear in the documentation that this is a supported scenario.
Some guidance about the licensing in this scenario would also be helpful.
What would be really great is supplying NuGet package(s) for this. So you would only need a license file to get everything to work.