Embed Corticon in a .Net Service as a library: Is it a suppo

Posted by leon on 21-Aug-2018 09:53

Looking thought this blog post: https://www.progress.com/blogs/integrating-corticon-into-your-application

I discovered the option of embedding Corticon in a service. 

But besides this blog post, there is nothing to be found about this option in the documentation of Corticon.

I did manage to create a DLL from an EDS file. But I'm not sure which Corticon Server .Net DLL's are needed to get it to work.

So my first question is, is this a supported scenario, and how is licensing done in this scenario?

And the second question, is there an example of a decision service embedded in a .Net application?

Posted by A_Haddad on 27-Aug-2018 10:15

I confirm that you can embed Corticon calls in your .Net application. I did some POC using version some time ago.

I think this aspect is documented in the .Net Corticon server (have a look on Home > Corticon Server: Deploying Web Services with .NET > Using .NET Business Objects as payload for Decision Services )

From memory :

- You have to add DLL files you will find after installing the .Net server version of Corticon in the references of your .Net application.

- Then, in your .Net application, you will have to call methods very similar to what happens with a remote call : i.e. you'll have to start a (local) CorticonServer, load some rules on it, and then call them

But I don't remember if you'll have to used some IKVM utilities to convert your business .Net entities to some .jar  package?

In all cases, there is a basic .Net sample called "jom" you can find in "samples" folder under your Corticon .Net server installation path showing all the necessary steps.

I hope this can help.

Posted by gsaintma on 27-Aug-2018 10:50

In 5.7.1, doc added a topic on custom extensions to Corticon in .NET execution environments. That sounds like it might be what you seek.
As to an example of an embedded server in .Net, see the JOM sample described at documentation.progress.com/.../
Hope that helps.

All Replies

Posted by A_Haddad on 27-Aug-2018 10:15

I confirm that you can embed Corticon calls in your .Net application. I did some POC using version some time ago.

I think this aspect is documented in the .Net Corticon server (have a look on Home > Corticon Server: Deploying Web Services with .NET > Using .NET Business Objects as payload for Decision Services )

From memory :

- You have to add DLL files you will find after installing the .Net server version of Corticon in the references of your .Net application.

- Then, in your .Net application, you will have to call methods very similar to what happens with a remote call : i.e. you'll have to start a (local) CorticonServer, load some rules on it, and then call them

But I don't remember if you'll have to used some IKVM utilities to convert your business .Net entities to some .jar  package?

In all cases, there is a basic .Net sample called "jom" you can find in "samples" folder under your Corticon .Net server installation path showing all the necessary steps.

I hope this can help.

Posted by gsaintma on 27-Aug-2018 10:50

In 5.7.1, doc added a topic on custom extensions to Corticon in .NET execution environments. That sounds like it might be what you seek.
As to an example of an embedded server in .Net, see the JOM sample described at documentation.progress.com/.../
Hope that helps.

Posted by leon on 30-Aug-2018 05:52

I've managed to get it to work. Thanks for the answers.

But I do feel it's still not very clear in the documentation that this is a supported scenario.

Some guidance about the licensing in this scenario would also be helpful.

What would be really great is supplying NuGet package(s) for this. So you would only need a license file to get everything to work.

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