Corticon upgrade from 4.1 to latest

Posted by peter.pillai on 24-Jun-2018 20:28


I am required to work on a project which has old version of corticon (4.1). Unfortunately we don’t have old studio/server (4.1) at the moment.

I downloaded latest version of studio(5.7) and realised it’s not compatible with the old version.

Can anyone please tell me how to upgrade it newer version. I am unable to find compatible studio/server.
Can anyone please send a link to download server and studio 4.1 version along with few documentation. 



All Replies

Posted by Chris S. Hogan on 25-Jun-2018 08:24

To complete your upgrade to latest version you will need to perform a few steps. First, you will need to upgrade the assets to the final 4.x release of 4.3. Then you will need to upgrade to 5.4, as this is the last version of 5 that includes the import wizard for 4.x assets. Finally you can upgrade to 5.7.
If you have a valid support contact, then you are entitled to download previous versions from the electronic software download site:
You may have to submit a request to have the previous versions added to your account for download.
Christopher S. Hogan
Solutions Architect
Office:  +1-346-352-0699
Mobile:  +1-646-243-4282

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