Is it possible to export all test sheet input to SOAP request XML at once?
I have a requirement to convert all my test sheets to SOAP requests. Every rule test has around 10 to 15 test sheets. Currently, we have to manually select every test sheet and go through the menu option to "Export Request SOAP". If there is a command line utility or any option to convert all test sheets inputs to SOAP request XML's, it would save us a lot of time.
I am not aware of a command line tool to auto-export SOAP requests from multiple rule tests & test sheets. One option would be to use the Foundation API to create a tool to automate this process.
IRuletestTabFolderModelAPI contains all the methods for creating SOAP/JSON payloads from Corticon Rulesheets.
You can find documentation for Foundation on the Progress ESD site. It includes the libraries as well as documentation.
Here is a sample Foundation class that generates SOAP requests for each test sheet in an ERT file
Thanks you Chris & Jim.
I updated my original post to include some sample code for creating SOAP requests. Let me know if this works for you.