Hello friends.
I'm having problems with Corticon when records that step as a parameter to the Corticon go with accents he does not accept, is there any way to configure that?
I'm using within a BPM process openedge.
Standing by,
I'm using the Dataset, the Dataset is generated in progress, and is passed to the Corticon, this integration is done within the BPM openedge.
If you're using OE BPM then you're likely using the Corticon Managed Adapter to call Corticon. This will make a SOAP call to Corticon passing the data as XML. Is the issue that you cannot pass strings with accent characters from OE BPM to Corticon. For example a string such as
L'été est là
If that is the case, we may need to get the OE BPM team involved. I just did a simple test of this within Corticon and don't see a problem. I am able to pass such strings in XML payloads to Corticon.
Please confirm if my understanding of your issue is correct.
Yes you are correct But I do not use xml as a parameter, I use dataset.
Thanks for helping me, I'll get in touch with the support.