How to use Corticon with data accent

Posted by Rafael Fontes on 17-May-2017 13:28

Hello friends.

I'm having problems with Corticon when records that step as a parameter to the Corticon go with accents he does not accept, is there any way to configure that?

I'm using within a BPM process openedge.

Standing by,

All Replies

Posted by James Arsenault on 17-May-2017 14:44

Are you calling corticon as a web service? With xml or json?

Posted by Rafael Fontes on 17-May-2017 15:07

I'm using the Dataset, the Dataset is generated in progress, and is passed to the Corticon, this integration is done within the BPM openedge.

Posted by James Arsenault on 17-May-2017 16:44

If you're using OE BPM then you're likely using the Corticon Managed Adapter to call Corticon. This will make a SOAP call to Corticon passing  the data as XML. Is the issue that you cannot pass strings with accent characters from OE BPM to Corticon. For example a string such as

L'été est là

If that is the case, we may need to get the OE BPM team involved. I just did a simple test of this within Corticon and don't see a problem. I am able to pass such strings in XML payloads to Corticon.

Please confirm if my understanding of your issue is correct.


Posted by Rafael Fontes on 17-May-2017 18:25

Yes you are correct But I do not use xml as a parameter, I use dataset.

Thanks for helping me, I'll get in touch with the support.

Posted by James Arsenault on 17-May-2017 19:14

You're using a dataset in oebpm but ultimately it becomes a soap call with xml when corticon is called. Contact support, they will help you get an answer 

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