Closest Match Look Up

Posted by Joanne Penaflor on 02-Mar-2017 19:26


Has anyone done a closest match look up in Corticon. 

I am trying to create a rulesheet that will tell me the rate the corresponds a Sum Insured amount, and the rate returned should be the closest match, just like how a vlookup with closest match set to true works. 

Thanks in advance. 

Posted by Chris S. Hogan on 03-Mar-2017 11:15

Using range value expression is the easiest way to address this.


The project attached shows an example of using ranges to determine closest value.

All Replies

Posted by Chris S. Hogan on 03-Mar-2017 11:15

Using range value expression is the easiest way to address this.


The project attached shows an example of using ranges to determine closest value.

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