Best regards,
Best regards,
Can I output only one specific newly created entity when I have no association between subTable and Library???
I mean to hold only one specific entities value?
Can I possibly copy the specific value that held already to another entity??
I am having trouble understanding the desired outcome you are looking for. I have seen a few posts from you about dealing with lists and looking for items of a certain price. Perhaps if you can describe the overall business scenario you are trying to accomplish, we can offer some suggestions on the best way to go about achieving it.
Just for some business clarification, I just need to know till what extent the technical support team can help for using licensed version. Do we need to make any expenses for technical support regarding our project doubts?
Rule Writing/ Rule Implementation / how to write rules for a use case type of questions are not handled by Technical Support.
If such a case is opened , Support will refer you / guide you to involve Professional Services [ this will be a paid engagement ]
Support can be contacted for other technical issues, performance questions, configuration issues, how to's etc, specific problem or error with a rulesheet, ruleflow,, compilation issues, to avail hot fixes/patches etc. There is no charge for contacting support , so long as your Account / Project has a valid maintenance/support contract with Progress Corticon.