Compiling using only used tables with EDC

Posted by Gertjan Hendriks on 07-Dec-2016 01:56


The situation:

  • I used EDC and created a single Vocabulary Z, with imported database metadata from only table A and B from my database.
  • With Vocabulary Z, I created Decision Service 1, using only database table A. I deployed it to Corticon Server.
  • With Vocabulary Z, I created Decision Service 2, using only database table B. I deployed it to Corticon Server.
  • I changed the datatype of field 'a' in database table A from Integer to String.
  • Decision Service 2 (while not using table A) generates multiple errors in its logfiles about a datatype mismatch with field 'a' in table A, and finally disappears from ServerState.xml (!).


Is it possible to compile a Decision Service with only the database information that is used within that Decision Service, rather than all tables that are used within the shared Vocabulary?

In this case, using separate Vocabularies for each Decision Service with its own specific database metadata is not an option, as the Vocabulary is used on an enterprise level. Also, re-deploying numerous Decision Services, when one single field for a single Decision Service is changed, is very much unwanted.

If it is not possible to do this in current versions of Corticon, is this perhaps an option that could be implemented in the (near) future?

Thank you.


Posted by James Arsenault on 20-Dec-2016 11:24


Sorry for taking so log to get back to you on this. Currently there is no means to achieve this. I've added a feature request to the backlog.


All Replies

Posted by James Arsenault on 20-Dec-2016 11:24


Sorry for taking so log to get back to you on this. Currently there is no means to achieve this. I've added a feature request to the backlog.


Posted by Gertjan Hendriks on 21-Dec-2016 01:17

Hi Jim,

Thank you for your reply and adding this to the backlog. There is a possibility though that this might get a higher priority in the near future (by customer demand).


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