Can i get the correct range and set format for using 'i

Posted by Kanchana Gopalakrishnan on 05-Dec-2016 00:25

Here is the operators syntax <String> in <Range or Set>.  

Posted by Jan Krishnamurthy on 07-Dec-2016 13:34

The technical reason is that hibernate cannot process the resulting query  .

Please file an idea requesting this enhancement if you'd like this syntax to work and be supported for DB filters

Posted by mparish on 05-Dec-2016 10:16

Here’s some more detail.
This can also be found in the help files when you install Corticon.

All Replies

Posted by mparish on 05-Dec-2016 04:08

Here's an example using 'in'
Person.gender in {'male','female'}
This syntax may not be available in older versions of Studio.

Posted by mparish on 05-Dec-2016 10:16

Here’s some more detail.
This can also be found in the help files when you install Corticon.

Posted by Gertjan Hendriks on 07-Dec-2016 03:48

Hi Mike,

Is there a possibility to use a 'not'  or '<>' in combination with the 'in' operator?



Posted by mparish on 07-Dec-2016 09:24

Indeed you can.
Just put the expression inside ( )
For example:
not (Applicant.age in {0..100})
not (Applicant.gender in {'male','female'})

Posted by Gertjan Hendriks on 07-Dec-2016 12:02

Thanks Mike!

This only seems to work though as a regular Filter or Precondition, but *not* as a Database Filter (with EDC). A Database Filter will cause the error-message "Filter Expression cannot be processed by the database".

Is there any other way to use the "not in" within EDC?

Thanks! :)


Posted by mparish on 07-Dec-2016 13:34

For some reason the syntax is not supported as a database filter but I’m not sure what the technical reason is.
The alternative is to use this syntax
 which could get rather lengthy if you have a lot of values to test.
From: Gertjan H []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 10:04 AM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - Corticon] Can i get the correct range and set format for using 'in' and 'charsIn' operators?
Update from Progress Community

Thanks Mike!

This only seems to work though as a regular Filter or Precondition, but *not* as a Database Filter (with EDC). A Database Filter will cause the error-message "Filter Expression cannot be processed by the database".

Is there any other way to use the "not in" within EDC?

Thanks! :)


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Posted by Jan Krishnamurthy on 07-Dec-2016 13:34

The technical reason is that hibernate cannot process the resulting query  .

Please file an idea requesting this enhancement if you'd like this syntax to work and be supported for DB filters

Posted by Gertjan Hendriks on 07-Dec-2016 13:43

Hi Mike,

Thanks again for the quick reply and great example. The alternative is exactly what I am using now. I could not find any other option to get this working.


Posted by Gertjan Hendriks on 07-Dec-2016 13:44

Hi Jan,

I will file that idea, as I do get some lengthy filters for my exclusions.

Thank you,


Posted by mparish on 07-Dec-2016 13:46

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