1) Is there any way to create an Vocabulary by importing from an other file extenstion like excel or some other file..
2)Can we able to contact from one Vocabulary to another Vocabulary It means data sharing .
why am asking means basically we are creating the rulesheet itself bases on Vocabulary only.we are not able to access the outside of Vocabulary attribute.
If this is the scenario how to achieve it.
Thanks in Advance,
Current Corticon has utilities only to export 1D and 2D excel spreadsheet as rulesheets.
Multiple ruleflows can share the same vocabulary , but one ruleflow cannot point to two vocabulary .ecore files
Is there any common template for generating the rulesheets from xls
Hi am not clear on that...Is there any common template for generating the ecore.
How to create ecore from java?
XSD to .ecore, .ecore from java or .ecore to .ecore are not Corticon specific functionality
These relate to EMF plugins for eclipse and the EMF plugin documentation /eclipse documentation should help you in this regard.