Maximum number of connections

Posted by archana.gupta on 23-Nov-2016 05:18


Please suggest if there is any limit of number of client connections that can be made to corticon decision service at any point.

In the below statement, I am trying to connect to WSDL on corticon server, but it seems that in few scenarios,  connection could not be established even in 60 seconds. There are around 900 clients trying to connect to this WSDL. 

hWebService:CONNECT("-WSDL " + cWSDL + " -nohostverify") NO-ERROR.



All Replies

Posted by James Arsenault on 23-Nov-2016 07:52

I expect this is tied to the appserver you are using, not Corticon per-se. For example if you are using the bundled Tomcat appserver you could be hitting it’s set maxConnections limit. By tomcat defaults this to maxThreads which in turn defaults to 300. For Tomcat, the parameters are documented here:
Where you have a high number of concurrent connections you need to consider the connector strategy of the appserver. In tomcat 7 there were BIO and NIO connectors which you could configure, the main difference is one is one follows a thread per connection model (BIO – the default) and the other pools threads (NIO). In Tomcat 8.5 the BIO  connector was dropped in favor of non-blocking websockets.
Hope that helps,

Posted by archana.gupta on 23-Nov-2016 08:48

Thank you James. Yes, we are using Tomcat as appserver/container. However, I am getting the timeout error exactly once during entire overnight batch run where 900 clients connects and executes DS on corticon rule-engine. I am wondering if this is because of max connection issue, why error out only once. Please share your thoughts on this.



Posted by James Arsenault on 20-Dec-2016 08:01

Archana, did you make further progress on this issue?


Posted by Jan Krishnamurthy on 20-Dec-2016 08:04


As support case was opened and this was taken care off.

Thank you,


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