Anyone running Corticon 4.3 on Windows 12?

Posted by Pranav Dagaonkar on 18-Jul-2016 12:07


Has anyone tried running Corticon 4.3 on Windows 12 successfully? I will really appreciate it, if someone can share their experience with the same. Would like to know, if there any known issues with the 4.3 version on Windows 12.



All Replies

Posted by Jan Krishnamurthy on 18-Jul-2016 12:48

Corticon 4.3  retired on 31 Oct. 2014 and is not supported on Windows 2012.

We are not aware of any users running 4.3 on Windows 2012.

We don’t expect to see any problems running Corticon 4,3 on Windows 2012, but can’t say with certainty.

Posted by James Arsenault on 18-Jul-2016 13:42

We strongly encourage you to begin planning on upgrading to Corticon 5.5. As Jan notes, 4.3 has been retired for some time now.

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