Consume Webservice

Posted by archana.gupta on 18-Jul-2016 09:40


I created a service call out extension to consume third party webservice in Corticon.

In dev environment I used "Dev WSDL URL" of third party. Please suggest how we can parameterize the WSDL URL so that same code can be deployed to QA and production environments.  



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Posted by Prashant Thumma on 18-Jul-2016 10:02

Hi Archana,
There is no prescribed mechanism to do this.  Since it is the user’s code you can manage the URL like any other Java application would.  A couple of mechanisms that could be used are:

·         Manage the URL in a properties file – load the properties file at runtime from either classpath or a predefined location.

·         Pass the URL via system properties – pass the URL as a system property to the application at boot time.


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