We stumbled upon the issue that when we use Corticon Server 5.5.2.x (PAS) as a Windows Service (e.g. tcman service _Corticon_ register), Tomcat uses the ../Corticon/Server/pas/bin directory as it's location for the CcServerSandbox-directory and logs-directory.
We found a fix here:
The fix states though that the CorticonWork-directory should be used as the target directory. For the correct location of the log-dir this is OK. But where the CcServerSandbox should be located in ../CorticonWork/SER, it is now located in ../CorticonWork/.
Is there any way to fix this, without having to move the log-directory to the ../CorticonWork/SER/ dir as well?
Hello Gertjan,
Yes. You can use the logpath property in the brms.properties to set the log directory to a location of your choice
Thank you,
Hi Jan,
Thanks, that indeed is a work-around :-) But I understand this cannot be done via the Corticon Command Prompt?
Hi Gertjan,
In case of using ../CorticonWork/SER/ dir as the workingdir, brms.properties needs to be moved to the SER-direcorty as wel. Otherwise CorticonServer does not doesn't seem to read it.
That is correct, because the brms.properties should be located in the CORTICON_WORK_DIR