Business Friendly Repository for Corticon files, Continuous

Posted by on 18-Apr-2016 14:46

What are you using for source control?

We're still on Collaborator, but feel it's time to move on (Progress did some time back).  We don't pre-compile our eds files, we let the servers do that.  We do allow our business users to update rules sheets (ers), other files are managed by IT.  The functionality we're using from collaborator is:

* Groups/Users

* Workflows

* WebDev (to mount the directories to the execution servers.

All our services are consumed via API (SOAP/REST)...

I've started to explore GIT, but curious what others are using.



All Replies

Posted by James Arsenault on 18-Apr-2016 21:16


The choice of repository depends on your business needs. Git is a great choice for many and you  have the option of Github if you don't want to host the repository yourself or are working on something open source. Another popular option is svn, but you'd have to host it. Both of these have plugins you can add to Corticon Studio to integrate source manage with your development environment.

These are both developer-ish tools. There are other repositories out there which may better fit your need but I don't have other suggestions. Good luck in your search.


Posted by on 19-Apr-2016 16:37

Yes, we have Git internal, for cross teams and business units, any suggestions on how to set-up?  Was thinking maybe a BRE-Corticon Org, then have sub-repositories for each org unit below that?  Would use CHEF or Jenkins to push the files to the servers.  Will look into the GIT integration with Eclipse (EGIT) (assumes that works in the Studio Perspective)...

If anyone is doing this already and there are any hints or gotcha's to look out for that would be appreciated!


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