I want to call the corticon decision service using https connections. For that, I have
1.Obtained the security certificates, installed them on server.
2. Changed the web.xml file and uncommented the code as suggested in corticon documentation.
Please suggest if we have to change the https based URL in the WSDL and CDD file as well. Progress documentation does not detail anything about changing the URL in CDD and WSDL file.
I think we should change WSDL and CDD files as well, or regenerate both these file again from deployment console using https URL. Please confirm.
Hi Archana,
It is not necessary to change the URL (soap_server_binding_url) in the CDD. This URL is only a place holder for what would be added to the WSDL, if the WSDL is created inside the Corticon Deployment Console. No other part of Corticon will look at the URL inside the CDD file.
The WSDL generated from the Deployment Console is more or less sample code that can be used by a customer to execute against a Decision Service on a remote server. The WSDL is only used to connect and pass data to a servlet on a remote server; it is not used internally in the Corticon Server during execution against a Decision Service. With that said, if you want to use the WSDL to connect to your remote server against https using SoapUI (for example), then you will need to change the URL inside the WSDL since SoapUI will need the proper URL to connect to the server.
I hope this helps.