Please suggest how to set the path of properties override files (brms.properies) for corticon server.
brms.properties needs to be created and placed in the CORTICON_WORK_DIR location for Corticon Server.
For .NET you are free to use the brms.properties, but it is easy to edit the other .properties file available in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\axis\conf and you don't have to tweak the CcConfig.jar
As per the documentation, the brms.properties needs to be placed in the corticon_home directory, which in my case in application server home directory (Corticon Work: /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.62/bin) . Please suggest if there is any way to change this default home directory.
See documentation.progress.com/.../index.html
Corticon is using CORTICON_HOME system variable, which is set in \bin\corticon_env.bat. You can modify it there. You can also set it globally or pass to the server using -D option.
Thank you for your response, however, the corticon server is created by deploying axis.war file on the tomcat on Unix machine. On this Unix machine, there is no bin\corticon_env.bat file.
Please give more detail about how to use -D option.
On Unix you can set CORTICON_HOME by running:
export CORTICON_HOME=<path>
on the command line before you start the server.
That resolved my problem.