Corticon Response

Posted by archana.gupta on 23-Feb-2016 23:28


Is it possible to control the XML tags which are returned from Corticon decision service in response? The transient variables are not returned however all the base variables are part of corticon request and response both.


All Replies

Posted by Harold-Jan Verlee on 24-Feb-2016 04:42

Hello, Archana,
Typically transient attributes are used for storing temporary values in Corticon working memory during the execution of a decision service. The value of these variables is never returned in the response payload. If you want them to be returned in your XML response, please switch them to “base” attributes.
Best regards,

Posted by archana.gupta on 24-Feb-2016 07:16

Thanks for the response.

Is it possible to sent back few of the BASE variables in response. Just the once which got updated as the rules are executed. Currently all the base variables are passed back.

Posted by A_Haddad on 24-Feb-2016 07:30

... You can also look at option enableNewOrModified ( which can help see more preciousily attributes and entities which have been modified during rule-flow execution (adds an attribute called newOrModified in response)...

Posted by Harold-Jan Verlee on 24-Feb-2016 08:44

This is currently not supported. You can’t selectively return “base” attributes. All input and updated attributes are coming back in the response XML.

Posted by mparish on 24-Feb-2016 08:52

You could try this:
Create a new entity with only the attributes  you want to return. Then use the remove operator to get rid of everything else.

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