Need some assistance in associating metadata to ecore files.
I need to perform a daily activity which includes clearing and importing the metadata from and to ecore file respectively. Below are the steps
1) Open the .ecore file from the required location
2) Goto vocabulary and clear the metadata from the .ecore file
3) Import the metadata from the jar file to required .ecore.
I need to do this activity 15 times a day which is very tedious process . Is there a better way to do it .
Some code/Program that I can write to make this process easier
Currently there is NO script or code that ships with the product to automate this.
This is a manual process.
- Jan
Currently there is NO script or code that ships with the product to automate this.
This is a manual process.
- Jan
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There are 14 programs for whom we need to create eds files for every build.Below are the steps that we do for each program
1) Ecore file is converted to .xsd Here we have called the vocab method to convert it to and .xsd file
2) Xsd file is converted to .cs and namespace is added to the .cs file This has been handled programmatically
3) .cs file is placed in the appropriate location and we build the solution which generates the dll Again this process is handled programmatically.
4) Replace the .dll with existing .dll -- we whave written the code to handle it
5) Convert the .dll to .jar – Again we have written the code to handle this
6) Go to Corticon Studio --- open the vocab(.ecore file) and clear the meta data and import the metadata with jar that is created in the above step – this is done manually
7) Now convert the .erf file to eds – currently we are doing this manually using console
We have automated the process till step 5 . We are stuggling to automate step 6 and 7
I have tried step 7 by using precompile method. Howeve that method is throwing Business object failed to compile error even though I have associated the Business Object .jar
Please assist on how we can simplify the process as this process is taking almost 3-4 hours for every build
For automating Step 6) i.e. mapping the vocabulary to the BO jars, I'd request you to file an enhancement/ Idea in the community.
Today , this is a manual process that can be accomplished in Corticon Studio
See : documentation.progress.com/.../index.html
See KB article below on how to file an Idea:
- Jan