Different issue with same code for Precomiple method

Posted by sjigesh on 15-Sep-2015 14:23



Hi All,

I have created two projects( to convert .erf to .eds)  The Code in both the projects is same  and also same jars. For both the projects I have associated business objects jar to the classpath. For the below code I am getting two different error message in both the projects.

Note: I am able to generate the eds  file via console. I am facing this  when I m trying to programmatically convert the files.

I have also verified the erf file .. The location provided for ecore is also correct

Please help me in resolving the issue I m trying from pas 1 week


Code :


package com;


import com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.CcServerFactory;


import com.corticon.service.ccserver.exception.CcServerInvalidSandboxException;

public class CorticonXSD {

public static void main(String[] args) throws CcServerFileOrDirNotFoundException, CcServerInvalidArgumentException, CcServerInvalidDecisionServiceException, CcServerInvalidSandboxException {



public static void testCorticon() throws CcServerFileOrDirNotFoundException, CcServerInvalidArgumentException, CcServerInvalidDecisionServiceException, CcServerInvalidSandboxException


               ICcServer ICC = CcServerFactory.getCcServer();

               ICC.precompileDecisionService("C:\\test……P_Ruleflow.erf", "P_Ruleflow", "C:\\test", true);








Error for Project 1

Starting Progress Corticon Server : -b6506

Progress Corticon Server log level : DIAGNOSTIC

Progress Corticon Server log path : C:../logs

Progress Corticon Server sandbox location : C:../CorticonXSD/CcServerSandbox

*** Decision Service failed failed to compile.  Decision Service P_Ruleflow major version 1 minor version 0 was not deployed.

Please review log file for compiler errors.

Exception in thread "main" com.corticon.service.ccserver.exception.CcServerInvalidDecisionServiceException: Failed to compile Ruleflow.

Nested Message: com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.compile.CcJavaCompilerException: AntProcessRunner.run() - Unable to compile Java code (return value 1):




no main manifest attribute, in C:/../lib/CorticonServer.jar



Object state for: null: null

Object state for: com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl: com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl@534a3bd7

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl.precompileDecisionService(CcServerImpl.java:11970)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl.precompileDecisionService(CcServerImpl.java:11826)

      at com.CorticonXSD.testCorticon(CorticonXSD.java:27)

      at com.CorticonXSD.main(CorticonXSD.java:17)

Nested Exception is: com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.compile.CcJavaCompilerException: AntProcessRunner.run() - Unable to compile Java code (return value 1):




no main manifest attribute, in C:…./CorticonServer.jar



Object state for: null: null

com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.compile.CcJavaCompilerException: AntProcessRunner.run() - Unable to compile Java code (return value 1):




no main manifest attribute, in C:/…./CorticonServer.jar



Object state for: null: null

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.compile.AntCompileImpl.callJavaCompileOutOfProcess(AntCompileImpl.java:243)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.compile.AntCompileImpl.callJavaCompile(AntCompileImpl.java:156)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.compile.AntCompileImpl.compileInternal(AntCompileImpl.java:116)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.compile.AntCompileImpl.compile(AntCompileImpl.java:88)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.CcServerUtils.compileRuleflow(CcServerUtils.java:585)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.CcServerUtils.compileRuleflow(CcServerUtils.java:239)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl.precompileDecisionService(CcServerImpl.java:11960)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl.precompileDecisionService(CcServerImpl.java:11826)

      at com.CorticonXSD.testCorticon(CorticonXSD.java:27)

      at com.CorticonXSD.main(CorticonXSD.java:17)




Error for Project 2:



Starting Progress Corticon Server : -b6506

Progress Corticon Server log level : DIAGNOSTIC

Progress Corticon Server log path : C:/../logs

Progress Corticon Server sandbox location : C:/../CcServerSandbox

*** Business Object Listeners failed to compile.  Decision Service P_Ruleflow major version 1 minor version 0 is deployed to only accept XML Payloads.

Please review log file for compiler errors.

All Replies

Posted by Jan Krishnamurthy on 16-Sep-2015 12:58


I'd encourage you to log a support case each for  exceptions in Project 1 and Project 2 . This is because Support can request for the project, code, assets , logs and review them in detail and then assist with the resolution or determine what is wrong.

- Jan

Posted by Chris S. Hogan on 17-Sep-2015 14:20

Have you attempted the approach outlined here:


Posted by sjigesh on 17-Sep-2015 14:54

Yes tried the approach but it didnt work

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