Unable to generate EDS programmatically

Posted by sjigesh on 13-Sep-2015 13:22

Hi All

Starting a new thread for Precompile Error

I have drilled down some of the classes and method that are throwing ‘Failed to compile ruleflow ’ exception. Below are the details

1)      My Class is calling the precompile method in the CcServerImpl Class.

2)      Precompile method is calling compileRuleflowmethod in the CCServerUtils Class.

3)      In the  compileRuleflowmethod there is a condition which says that  if ((IRuleflowModelAPI)lIModelAPI).isDeployable() returns false then it will throw an InvalidAssetException("Invalid Asset.  Posted error messages attached to this asset.");

4)      So I am not able to understand what needs to be done from the code side so that “Failed to compile Ruleflow” will not be thrown.

Note : I am able to generate .eds file through deployment console. Not sure why I am not able to do it via code.

Below is the Error detail and screenshot of deployment console


com.corticon.service.ccserver.exception.CcServerInvalidDecisionServiceException: Failed to compile Ruleflow.

Nested Message: com.corticon.eclipse.studio.rulebuilder.InvalidAssetException: Invalid Asset.  Posted error messages attached to this asset.

Object state for: null: null

Object state for: com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl: com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl@7cd3f7a0

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl.precompileDecisionService(CcServerImpl.java:11970)

      at com.CreateEDS.createNewEDS(CreateEDS.java:75)

      at com.CreateEDS.main(CreateEDS.java:30)

Nested Exception is: com.corticon.eclipse.studio.rulebuilder.InvalidAssetException: Invalid Asset.  Posted error messages attached to this asset.

Object state for: null: null

com.corticon.eclipse.studio.rulebuilder.InvalidAssetException: Invalid Asset.  Posted error messages attached to this asset.

Object state for: null: null

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.CcServerUtils.compileRuleflow(CcServerUtils.java:301)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.CcServerUtils.compileRuleflow(CcServerUtils.java:239)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl.precompileDecisionService(CcServerImpl.java:11960)

      at com.CreateEDS.createNewEDS(CreateEDS.java:75)

      at com.CreateEDS.main(CreateEDS.java:30)


All Replies

Posted by Chris S. Hogan on 14-Sep-2015 11:38

You should use the deployment API to precompile an EDS file. Here is a quick example class:
package com.progress.corticon.util;
import com.corticon.eclipse.studio.deployment.swing.CcDeployFactory;
import com.corticon.eclipse.studio.deployment.swing.ICcDeploy;
public class Example {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              String strERFPath = "C:/Data/Workspaces/CorticonStudio_5.5/Underwriting/Simple/Ruleflow/NewPolicyProcessing.erf";
              String strServiceName = "Example";
              String strOutputPath = "C:/Temp";
              boolean bOverwriteFile = true;
              ICcDeploy d = CcDeployFactory.newDeployment();
              try {
                     d.precompileDecisionService(strERFPath, strServiceName, strOutputPath, bOverwriteFile);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                     // TODO Auto-generated catch block
Christopher S. Hogan
Principal Systems Engineer


PHONE 646-201-4123
MOBILE 646-243-4282
From: sjigesh [mailto:bounce-sjigesh@community.progress.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 1:23 PM
To: TU.Corticon@community.progress.com
Subject: [Technical Users - Corticon] Unable to generate EDS programmatically
Thread created by sjigesh

Hi All

Starting a new thread for Precompile Error

I have drilled down some of the classes and method that are throwing ‘Failed to compile ruleflow ’ exception. Below are the details

1)      My Class is calling the precompile method in the CcServerImpl Class.

2)      Precompile method is calling compileRuleflowmethod in the CCServerUtils Class.

3)      In the  compileRuleflowmethod there is a condition which says that  if ((IRuleflowModelAPI)lIModelAPI).isDeployable() returns false then it will throw an InvalidAssetException("Invalid Asset.  Posted error messages attached to this asset.");

4)      So I am not able to understand what needs to be done from the code side so that “Failed to compile Ruleflow” will not be thrown.

Note : I am able to generate .eds file through deployment console. Not sure why I am not able to do it via code.

Below is the Error detail and screenshot of deployment console


com.corticon.service.ccserver.exception.CcServerInvalidDecisionServiceException: Failed to compile Ruleflow.

Nested Message: com.corticon.eclipse.studio.rulebuilder.InvalidAssetException: Invalid Asset.  Posted error messages attached to this asset.

Object state for: null: null

Object state for: com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl: com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl@7cd3f7a0

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl.precompileDecisionService(CcServerImpl.java:11970)

      at com.CreateEDS.createNewEDS(CreateEDS.java:75)

      at com.CreateEDS.main(CreateEDS.java:30)

Nested Exception is: com.corticon.eclipse.studio.rulebuilder.InvalidAssetException: Invalid Asset.  Posted error messages attached to this asset.

Object state for: null: null

com.corticon.eclipse.studio.rulebuilder.InvalidAssetException: Invalid Asset.  Posted error messages attached to this asset.

Object state for: null: null

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.CcServerUtils.compileRuleflow(CcServerUtils.java:301)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.CcServerUtils.compileRuleflow(CcServerUtils.java:239)

      at com.corticon.eclipse.server.core.impl.CcServerImpl.precompileDecisionService(CcServerImpl.java:11960)

      at com.CreateEDS.createNewEDS(CreateEDS.java:75)

      at com.CreateEDS.main(CreateEDS.java:30)


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