Installation process changes system defined java_home

Posted by nuri.besen on 31-Mar-2015 00:25

While installing the latest version of Corticon Server&Client on my local laptop, the installation changed/overrode my system defined variable "java_home" which pointed to a java needed for my other projects.
Maybe, during the installation process, the installer could ask to use the current java or install the java just for Corticon. This was the process for Sonic products. That way, the user does not loose their settings locally.
Hope this improves the installation process.

All Replies

Posted by Jean Richert on 31-Mar-2015 04:05

[mention:45fa9f5cceea4c4b830a212d0ff271ea:e9ed411860ed4f2ba0265705b8793d05] what about reporting this suggestion in the Corticon Product Ideas available here. You only need to join that group, log your idea and other users will then be able to promote or demote it.

Posted by James Arsenault on 06-Apr-2015 08:25

Thanks for reporting this. The Corticon Server install is setting JAVA_HOME but should not be. The setting of this was inadvertently added in 5.4 when adding the new Progress Application Server. It should not have been set and will be removed in 5.5. For 5.4, you can unset this without it impacting the function of Corticon.


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