Why do my transients get returned?

Posted by Ollie on 18-Mar-2015 12:42

I created a service and added a transient attribute to an entity that is used to exchange data. I saw in Studio that the rule test gets it back from the server. To be sure of the transient's origin I checked the server log and saw that the transient data element was actually in the return XML.

That made me wonder how transient works. I thought that transient attributes are to Corticon what private is to programming languages.

All Replies

Posted by James Arsenault on 18-Mar-2015 20:19


This is optional. Whether to return transients in the result is controlled by a property in the request:


Internally they are equivalent to private variables. A transient set as the first step in a ruleflow is accessible by the last step in a ruleflow. The "transient" nature of an attribute is meta-data that Corticon tracks. A transient is otherwise like any other attribute.


Posted by Kendall Sparks on 18-Mar-2015 21:18

Studio returns transients in the message for rule debugging purposes.
The Server does not return transients.
From: James Arsenault [mailto:bounce-jarsenau@community.progress.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 6:20 PM
To: TU.Corticon@community.progress.com
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - Corticon] Why do my transients get returned?
Reply by James Arsenault


This is optional. Whether to return transients in the result is controlled by a property in the request:


Internally they are equivalent to private variables. A transient set as the first step in a ruleflow is accessible by the last step in a ruleflow. The "transient" nature of an attribute is meta-data that Corticon tracks. A transient is otherwise like any other attribute.


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