Corticon Deployment .Net in process

Posted by sribha on 10-Mar-2015 16:43


I want to compile my .eds file into assembly .dll but I do not have 

CompileAssembly.bat  file. I checked all the locations where I installed corticon. I did not find it.

According to the  document it should be there in this location 

  1. Edit the script CompileAssembly.bat located at [CORTICON_HOME]\samples\compile assembly as follows: 

    but it is not there at that location. the compile folder itself does not exist.

    Let me know where can I find this file.

Posted by Jan Krishnamurthy on 10-Mar-2015 23:00

Looks like my post earlier did  not make it to the community.

Compile assembly was introduced in 5.4.1.

Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Corticon 5.4\Server .NET\samples\compile assembly

Please upgrade to 5.4.1 service pack to make use of the feature.

See :

The issue that Amish is talking about that was fixed in hotfix is:

If you need a specific hot fix, please contact support via phone @ 781-280-4999 or create a case online via SupportLink

- Jan

Posted by aparekh on 10-Mar-2015 22:39

We have a v5.4.1 SP for v5.4. With v5.4.1 we have the latest HF of v5.4.1.4. Please contact Corticon Tech Support if you need further assitance.

All Replies

Posted by aparekh on 10-Mar-2015 17:30

Are you using v5.4.1.3 HF? This HF release had a fix for a related issue. I had to use .NET framework v4.5 in order to see the fix. So please try to this version of .NET.

Posted by sribha on 10-Mar-2015 21:23

I am using 5.4.0. I have not seen any hot fixes for this release. Do we have any HF for this release? If yes how can I get that HF? >net framework is 4.5.

Posted by aparekh on 10-Mar-2015 22:39

We have a v5.4.1 SP for v5.4. With v5.4.1 we have the latest HF of v5.4.1.4. Please contact Corticon Tech Support if you need further assitance.

Posted by Jan Krishnamurthy on 10-Mar-2015 23:00

Looks like my post earlier did  not make it to the community.

Compile assembly was introduced in 5.4.1.

Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Corticon 5.4\Server .NET\samples\compile assembly

Please upgrade to 5.4.1 service pack to make use of the feature.

See :

The issue that Amish is talking about that was fixed in hotfix is:

If you need a specific hot fix, please contact support via phone @ 781-280-4999 or create a case online via SupportLink

- Jan

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