i have provided the class path in environment variables and againes the project as well. But i am getting the error like
Database connection Failed. Reason:
Unable to load database driver class
Please ensure that driver class is available on the system classpath.
Please can you provide like where and all i have to make sure the path.
Thanks in advance..
Hi Brahma,
What version of Corticon are you using?
Hi Marian,
I am using the
Version: 5.2.0
Hi Brahma,
To my knowledge EDC is supported only from version 5.3.1.
Christopher S. Hogan
Principal Systems Engineer |
PHONE 646-201-4123 MOBILE 646-243-4282 www.progress.com |
i have provided the class path in environment variables and againes the project as well. But i am getting the error like
Database connection Failed. Reason:
Unable to load database driver class
Please ensure that driver class is available on the system classpath.
Please can you provide like where and all i have to make sure the path.
Thanks in advance..
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No Batch processor. may be because of some license related think so.
Is it possible you are using a service call out which is making a database call?
Can you supply as much detail as possible to describe how you are connecting to the database from Corticon? As you can see from the thread responses, there are several possible approaches including EDC, High Performance Batch Processor, Service Call-Outs and even an Extended Operator. Screen shots and other details can help to identify the exact problem you are having.