I've tried to invoke a SOAP call to the sample Insurance project provided by Corticon. The followings is my step:
The responded message indicated that something is wrong, but I do not know what is that. I didn't find any problem with this process when I tested with the sample Cargo.
I suspected that it is because there is only 1 rule sheet of Cargo rule flow. Meanwhile, Insurance rule flow have 5 rule sheets. Is this really the case? If so, how could I make a call on this scenario?
Thank you.
I found the problem. The first rule sheet of iSample_policy_pricing.erf, Get Existing Policies appears to call an external system. When invoking the service, the first rulesheet is supposed to be invoked first, and that caused the problem.
In the Corticon Request XML :
You have:
<CorticonRequest xmlns="urn:Corticon" xmlns:xsi="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" decisionServiceName="InsertDecisionServiceName">
Please insert the name of the decision Service here :
<CorticonRequest xmlns="urn:Corticon" xmlns:xsi="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" decisionServiceName="Insurance">
Sorry, I just pasted a wrong version of my input. In fact, if you put a wrong decisionServiceName, you'll get CcServerDecisionServiceNotRegisteredException which is informative enough.
My point is that even with the right decisionServiceName as Insurance, I still receive have that Violation message.
Any idea?
Did you test this in Studio, Do you get successful results ?
Yes. It's from the sample project. When I run iSample_risk_test.ert, I got successful result.
However, if I run the test from Studio against the Server, I received the same error as I run on SoapUI.
Now you probably suspected that there is something wrong with the server. So here it is, I , I deployed it using Studio's publish features. And I didn't have any problem with another rule, Cargo. That's why I had a question about the Rule Flow.
But let me know if you have any idea. Also please let me know if you require other information to help clarify this.
Thank you
So , I understand you deployed ruleflow iSample_policy_pricing.erf to the server. And now you want to call this Decision service from server.
Your request should be :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../" xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema">
<CorticonRequest xmlns="urn:Corticon" xmlns:xsi="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" decisionServiceName="iSample_policy_pricing">
<applicant xsi:type="Female_Customer">
<long_term_value xsi:nil="true" />
<name>Jill Hennesey</name>
i.e. the XML equivalent of the iSample_policy_pricing_test.ert
So if you want to just test iSample_risk_test.ers alone by creating a ruleflow you can do so. For this you need to create a ruleflow iSample_risk.erf ( pointing the the iSample_risk.ers) and deploy it to the server.
Then create an XML equivalent (SOAP request) of iSample_risk_test.ert and test it.
Sample Request for iSample_risk.erf
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../" xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema">
<CorticonRequest xmlns="urn:Corticon" xmlns:xsi="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" decisionServiceName="iSample_risk">
<Female_Customer id="Female_Customer_id_1">
<credit_score xsi:nil="true" />
<income xsi:nil="true" />
<life_risk_rating xsi:nil="true" />
<long_term_value xsi:nil="true" />
<net_worth xsi:nil="true" />
<real_estate_assets xsi:nil="true" />
<name xsi:nil="true" />
<ssn xsi:nil="true" />
<state_of_residence xsi:nil="true" />
Response for the request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../" xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance">
<ns1:CorticonResponse decisionServiceName="iSample_risk" xmlns="urn:Corticon" xmlns:ns1="urn:Corticon">
<ns1:Female_Customer id="Female_Customer_id_1">
<ns1:credit_score xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns1:income xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns1:long_term_value xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns1:name xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns1:net_worth xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns1:real_estate_assets xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns1:ssn xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns1:state_of_residence xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns1:Messages version="1.0">
<ns1:text>Customers who have not been diagnosed with cancer and their relatives have not been diagnosed with cancer are deemed to be health risk rating of Good.</ns1:text>
<ns1:entityReference href="#Female_Customer_id_1"/>
<ns1:text>Applicants older than 30 have a life expectancy risk of Medium.</ns1:text>
<ns1:entityReference href="#Female_Customer_id_1"/>
I changed the request to be what you suggested for (iSample_policy_pricing_test.ert), and no it doesn't work.
Can you please share your request XML and WSDL used
I found the problem. The first rule sheet of iSample_policy_pricing.erf, Get Existing Policies appears to call an external system. When invoking the service, the first rulesheet is supposed to be invoked first, and that caused the problem.