How do I create entities on the fly

Posted by WBSupport on 17-Jul-2013 05:58

I need to create a large collection of entities that look like




I need a new AnEntity.Anumber {1122,1134,1145} AnEntity.AStatus 'F', AnEntity.ANumber {7078,7965,4532} AnEntity.AStatus 'T'.

I need to create 825 * 148 AnEntity similar to above and therefore would like to be able to do this on the fly.

Any help welcome.

All Replies

Posted by emoore on 07-Oct-2013 14:11

You can use the new operator to create an entity on the fly.

The syntax is of the form  <entityType>.new[<initializers>]

Where <initializers> :== <atttrbiute> = <value> (; <attribute> = <value>)*

Example[AStatus = 'F']

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