Remove phone number pattern in User Management

Posted by Tom Oosterwijk on 06-Jun-2017 08:40

One of my customers has all his phone number in a ########## format in the user management database. Everytime he wants to change data on the user management screen, an error pops up that the format should be ###-###-####. This doesn't make sense for Dutch phonenumbers. Is there a way to remove this validation? It seems to be hardcoded at the moment.

Besides that, it seems to only do so in Internet Explorer, in Chrome on page load I get a log in the console saying "Uncaught ReferenceError: checkUpdate is not defined", so when saving, the data (including the admin password!) is never checked.

Perhaps this/both issues have been fixed in updates, currently we're using 11.4 (build #1294)...

Posted by skothuri on 07-Jun-2017 01:18

Hi Tom,

We observed that there are two issues.

Issue - 1: The phone number format is hard coded, which is applicable in latest versions (11.7) as well. I will create an enhancement in our backlog to make the format configurable.

However, I'd like to suggest a temporary workaround which can help the customer get going.

The phone number can be edited in two scenarios. 1. When adding a new user, 2. Editing the details of existing user.

Locate the string var rx = new RegExp(/^\d{3}\-\d{3}\-\d{4}$/); in the files user_add.jsp & user_det.jsp which are located under <DLC>\oebpm\jboss\webapps\deploy\sbm.war\bpmportal\administration and chnage the regular expression to a format that works for you.

Example: If customer doesn't require the validation with hipen(-) characters, you can make it optional with the below regular expression.

var rx = new RegExp(/^\d{3}\-?\d{3}\-?\d{4}$/); // Works for both  ########## & ###-###-####

or you need to allow  just 10 digits without any extra symbols, use

var rx = new RegExp(/^\d{10}$/); // Works only for ##########

Additionally, you also need to change the validation message where the older format is shown.

To do that, locate the file (bpmportal_<LANG_PREFIX>.properties for locale specific message) under <DLC>\oebpm\jboss\webapps\deploy\sbm.war\WEB-INF\classes\properties & change the property with the key EnterValidPhoneNoFormat as per your expected format.

Restart Portal server to get your changes applied.

Issue - 2: The error in console when opened in Chrome has been fixed in the later versions.

Please confirm if it works for the customer.

All Replies

Posted by skothuri on 07-Jun-2017 01:18

Hi Tom,

We observed that there are two issues.

Issue - 1: The phone number format is hard coded, which is applicable in latest versions (11.7) as well. I will create an enhancement in our backlog to make the format configurable.

However, I'd like to suggest a temporary workaround which can help the customer get going.

The phone number can be edited in two scenarios. 1. When adding a new user, 2. Editing the details of existing user.

Locate the string var rx = new RegExp(/^\d{3}\-\d{3}\-\d{4}$/); in the files user_add.jsp & user_det.jsp which are located under <DLC>\oebpm\jboss\webapps\deploy\sbm.war\bpmportal\administration and chnage the regular expression to a format that works for you.

Example: If customer doesn't require the validation with hipen(-) characters, you can make it optional with the below regular expression.

var rx = new RegExp(/^\d{3}\-?\d{3}\-?\d{4}$/); // Works for both  ########## & ###-###-####

or you need to allow  just 10 digits without any extra symbols, use

var rx = new RegExp(/^\d{10}$/); // Works only for ##########

Additionally, you also need to change the validation message where the older format is shown.

To do that, locate the file (bpmportal_<LANG_PREFIX>.properties for locale specific message) under <DLC>\oebpm\jboss\webapps\deploy\sbm.war\WEB-INF\classes\properties & change the property with the key EnterValidPhoneNoFormat as per your expected format.

Restart Portal server to get your changes applied.

Issue - 2: The error in console when opened in Chrome has been fixed in the later versions.

Please confirm if it works for the customer.

Posted by Tom Oosterwijk on 09-Jun-2017 03:12

Thanks. I will see if I can get this consistently working at the customer.

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