It is possible when a Database Adapter fail because the Database target is down, before Workstep be suspended program it for a few more tries for a while after these attempts and database is still down, send an e-mail with failure and change de process to the end without the Adapter be Suspended?
Hi Fernando,
One way to solve this problem is by using "Custom adapter" and "Roll back point".
1. You can create a custom adapter which would increment a counter data slot upon every visit.
2. Navigate to the custom adapter upon DB failure using roll back point.
(Roll back point reference : [View:]).
3. Have decision step to validate the counter data slot to check whether the number of retries have been reached or not.
4. Once reached, you can navigate to the E-mail adapter to send the Email report.
Please find the attached screen shot and custom adapter code snippet for reference.
Counter increment snippet:
public void IncrementRetry() {
int valueToIncrement = getCounter().getIntValue();
setCounter(new Integer(++valueToIncrement));
Please add back to the same thread, if you require any further clarification.
Hi Fernando,
One way to solve this problem is by using "Custom adapter" and "Roll back point".
1. You can create a custom adapter which would increment a counter data slot upon every visit.
2. Navigate to the custom adapter upon DB failure using roll back point.
(Roll back point reference : [View:]).
3. Have decision step to validate the counter data slot to check whether the number of retries have been reached or not.
4. Once reached, you can navigate to the E-mail adapter to send the Email report.
Please find the attached screen shot and custom adapter code snippet for reference.
Counter increment snippet:
public void IncrementRetry() {
int valueToIncrement = getCounter().getIntValue();
setCounter(new Integer(++valueToIncrement));
Please add back to the same thread, if you require any further clarification.