Settings for OpenEdge Adapter

Posted by daniel.baciu on 30-Jan-2014 06:50


Is it possible to send the settings for Service Connection Details dynamically to OpenEdge Adapter?

In the development we are using a different appserver than the one for deployment.

The only solution I see is to give a generic name to the appserver machine and assign the correct IP in host file. I'm not sure how to set the credentials for the user or other appserver connection data.

I know that there is a spring.xml file holding the settings, but there is one per each workstep. I would like to have only one place to change/set these generic formation.

Thank you,


Posted by Rob Straight on 30-Jan-2014 15:00

It is not possible to do this dynamically today as I understand it, but it would be a useful feature enhancement and we will add this to our product backlog for consideration in a future release.



Posted by David Cleary on 30-Jan-2014 14:13

There currently isn't a way to do this other than editing the spring.xml file. However, this should be a feature the BPM team should consider adding in the future. I'll let the BPM Product Manager know.


All Replies

Posted by David Cleary on 30-Jan-2014 14:13

There currently isn't a way to do this other than editing the spring.xml file. However, this should be a feature the BPM team should consider adding in the future. I'll let the BPM Product Manager know.


Posted by Rob Straight on 30-Jan-2014 15:00

It is not possible to do this dynamically today as I understand it, but it would be a useful feature enhancement and we will add this to our product backlog for consideration in a future release.



Posted by daniel.baciu on 31-Jan-2014 00:46

Thank you.

Posted by aagarwal on 31-Jan-2014 04:13

This sounds interesting, but it  is not currently supported. We will take it as an enhancement for future.



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