Hello all, I am, at best a beginner with open edge .p programs. I am requesting help. But first here is background info on our system. We currently are using OpenEdge Release 10.1B0333 as of Mon Sep 15 11:02:51 EDT 2008. Epicor Vantage 803.410 I am trying to create a very simple bpm once a bam is triggered. the bpm is to simply state that a job operation qty completed has reached the run qty. along with that there would various other fields that would be in the e-mail further describing the job. I don't know if im in the wrong place. I am sure that this is child's play for most of members in this group. But like a baby, you have to crawl before you walk. {ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "JobOper"} assign SendEmail = false. Define variable Planner as character no-undo. define variable EmailAddress as Character no-undo initial '':U. define variable UserName as Character no-undo initial '':U. define variable vFrom as character no-undo initial '':U. define variable vTo as character no-undo initial '':U. define variable vCC as character no-undo initial '':U. define variable vSubject as character no-undo initial '':U. define variable vBody as character no-undo initial '':U. Find UserFile where UserFile.DCDUserID = DCD-UserID no-error. assign Username = Userfile.Name. assign EMAIL-From = UserFile.EmailAddress. Message " In JobOperEmail". Find UserFile where UserFile.DCDUserID = ProdGrup.PersonID no-lock no-error. assign vTo = UserFile.EmailAddress. /* Create the new body of the email */ Assign vBody = "Need By Date changed for Part # " + OrderDtl.PartNum + " by " + UserName + "~n~n~tCustomer " + Customer.CustID + "~n~n~tPart " + OrderDtl.PartNum + "~tPart Description: " + OrderDtl.LineDesc + "~n~n~tQty: " + trim(string(OrderRel.OurReqQty)) + "~tpc" + "~n~n~tOrder Number: " + string(OrderRel.OrderNum) + "~tLine Number: " + string(OrderRel.OrderLine) + "~n~n~tOld Need By Date " + string(OLDOrderRel.NeedByDate,"99/99/99") + "~n~n~tNew Need By Date " + string(OrderRel.NeedByDate,"99/99/99"). vCC = "Mtrzaska@stanleymachining.com;ertrzaska@stanleymachining.com;cmikucki@stanleymachining.com;gjez@stanleymachining.com;". /* CC to check out alert */ /* Exampes of formatting and conditions */ /* "~n~n~tMA Cost ~t" + string(Part.StdMaterialCost,"$>>>,>>>,>>9.99") + "~tExtended Cost " + trim(string(Part.StdMaterialCost * OrderRel.XOrderQty,"$>>>,>>>,>>9.99")) + "~n~tPO Cost ~t" + string(OrderRel.UnitCost,"$>>>,>>>,>>9.99") + "~tExtended Cost " + TRIM(string(OrderRel.UnitCost * OrderRel.XOrderQty,"$>>>,>>>,>>9.99")) + if (CostAtPO - CostAtStd) > 50 then do: assign vTO = vTO + "info@comp.com;". end. if (CostAtPO - CostAtStd) > 1000 then do: assign vCC = vCC + "sales@comp.com;". end. */ Message "DEBUG Email - vTO = " + vTO. EMAIL-To = vTO. EMAIL-CC = vCC + EMAIL-From. assign EMAIL-Subject = 'Need By Date Has Changed on Sales Order ' + string(OrderRel.OrderNum). assign EMAIL-Text = vBody. If Customer.CustID = "VETCOGRA" then assign SendEmail = true. I do know that the fields are incorrect in most of this code. the table name I use is joboper and the trigger fields are qtycompleted and runqty. I understand that this is half of any info that you would need. but if someone out there can guide my to either a book that maybe consists of examples. or understands what im asking for and would offer help would be appreciated.
Sorry for the delay. Based on your description you should be able to write a piece of ABL code get what you're trying to do but as you are using an Epicor product, may I suggest you post your question to the Epicor users group forum or even to Epicor themselves.
Sorry for the delay. Based on your description you should be able to write a piece of ABL code get what you're trying to do but as you are using an Epicor product, may I suggest you post your question to the Epicor users group forum or even to Epicor themselves.