How to include documents in an e-mail sended via Savvion

Posted by rsturing on 13-Dec-2010 04:42

Hello all,

My nex issue is about including attachments in an e-mail that is sended as an outcome of a Savvion process.

For example: I created a BPM project with an e-mail adapter. I configured the adapter in such a way that it is possible to sent an e-mail.

One of our customer processes is a purchase process in which the purchase order is confirmed by e-mail to the supplier. Part of the e-mail has to be an attached file (the order) like a .doc or a .pdf document.

What is the best way to do this?

Attached I have a file in which to current (and working) configuration of the e-mail adapter is descriped.

FYI: a related question but maybe another topic is: is there a way to generatie .doc or .pdf files in Savvion based on the information (dataslots) in the process, and use this document in an e-mail adapter?

Thanks for your help!!



Attachment in e-mail.doc

All Replies

Posted by pzuwekar on 13-Dec-2010 05:39

You may use email adapter attachement plugin to attach documents to email adapter. Please see attached screenshot for the same.

Generating pdf documents in SBM, you may need to use custom adapter where java code can be writtien to create pdf file and once this pdf file is created can be attached to document dataslot and can be further passed to email adapter.

Thank you,


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