Error opening socket

Posted by sbosma on 13-Jan-2011 07:20

When deploying a (common resource) project on a newly installed server it gives this error :

"A server error "Error opening socket: vnwnr-ptl02" has occurred".
See attached file with a printscreen of the message

Currently I'm connected through a VPN connection to the savvion machine. We're able to login to the portal, which means the server is running and therefore we should be able to deploy the process. Can someone tell me what we need to do in order to deploy the process ? I've tried to deploy other processes (spt/swt) which also give this error message.

deploy error.jpg

All Replies

Posted by nagesh_tejwani on 13-Jan-2011 07:45

Have you checked the sbm logs for this?

Or can you please share the  logs for investigating this issue.

Posted by sbosma on 13-Jan-2011 08:34

Attached you'll find the logs in the ZIP file.

Posted by sbosma on 14-Jan-2011 06:59

Have you been able to detect something why this error message appears ?

Posted by sandips on 16-Jan-2011 21:28

Hello Bosma,

Is SBM server SSL enabled ?

Are you able to deploy/install the application through bizlogic admin or through Portal ?

From our knowledge base, the error can probably occur because SSL may not be enabled at BPM Studio.  If SSL is enabled on the server side,  then certificates used at the  server side must be included within the JDK for the BPMStudio as well.



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