We are developing several processes that performs operations based on services deployed in a Sonic ESB. These processes are deployed on Savvion and they need this kind of operations:
SEND&RECEIVE operations: we use the Sonic adaptor
ONLY SEND operations: At the moment we don't need this communication
ONLY RECEIVE operations: we use the JMS adapater
In this last case we have problems in the scalability of the solution because we cannot change the JMS Queue or Topic. We only can use the JMS Queue jms/JMSAdapterQueue in the Savvion BizLogic server. Our processes must listen a lot of messages for several kind of processes, so we want to use several Queues to do that. We have tested also the option of use message nodes but we found the same problem, we cannot use external JMS resources and the local server JMS resource is only the JMS queue jms/SBMMessageQueue.
How can I configure the Savvion processes to read messages from several queues some of them external?