How to find performer of workstep available to group

Posted by hirenpatel on 04-Jul-2011 10:05


In Savvion Bizlogic Process,there is a workstep whoes performer is  any member of group.

so at run time,when instance of this process created,workitem of this workstep is available to all member of that group.

now any one member of that group will do get nextavailable task in portal and complete the workitem.

How do i can check who was the performer of the workstep/workitem ?

I have put follwoing script in on complete tab of workstep but it is return name of group  everytime rather then actual performer ID.


Thanks and Regards


All Replies

Posted by Wouter Dupré on 04-Jul-2011 10:06


Thank you for your email. I'm currently out of the office. I will return on July 27. During my absence I will have no access to email. For urgent matters, call our office, or contact Gary Calcott (

Best regards,



Wouter Dupré

Senior Solutions Consultant

Progress Software NV

A. Stocletlaan 202 B | B-2570 Duffel | Belgium

Office +32 (0) 15 30 77 00 | Mobile +32 (0) 478 50 00 49

Posted by hirenpatel on 05-Jul-2011 04:31

below mentioned code snippet put  in When completed tab and  you will get  the results

var session = blserver.connect("ebms","ebms");
var wsi = blserver.getWorkStepInstance(session,jst.getProcessInstanceID(),jst.getWorkstepName());
var plst= wsi.getCompletedWorkItemPerformer();
var performer = plst.get(plst.size()-1);

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