What are business objects in Savvion? What is the primary us

Posted by Admin on 16-Aug-2011 08:51


Can anyone please explain me the uses of the Business Objects dataslot in Savvion and also let me know how it can be primarily utilized.

Thanks in advance.



All Replies

Posted by ttalboom on 16-Aug-2011 08:55

Dear reader, at the moment I am on holiday and have no access to email. I will get back to you on Monday, September 5th, 2011.

Should you require sales assistance, please contact Manu van Droogenbroeck on mvandroo@progress.com or Joerg Espelta on jespelta@progress.com

For urgent presales issues in the week of Aug 15th - Aug 19th you can contact my colleague Daan van Santen on dvansant@progress.com.

In the remaining time of my absence you can contact my colleague Patrick Heinen on pheinen@progress.com

Urgent technical issues can be handled by Customer Support on http://web.progress.com/en/support/index.html

Posted by aruisch@vanmeijel.nl on 16-Aug-2011 08:55

Ben ivm vakantie niet aanwezig

1 september ben ik weer bereikbaar.


Met vriendelijke groet,

Arnold Ruisch

Senior Accountmanager

Posted by Admin on 16-Aug-2011 08:58

Can someone please translate the above context in English if it is the answer.



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