Can anyone tell me that why sometimes we got PID number 0 from savvion api method createProcessInstance(com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.util.Session session, java.lang.String ptName, java.util.HashMap attributes, java.util.HashMap dsValues, boolean toActivate) of com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.server.ejb.
After generating any case with this PID (0) it is untraceble to find the case?
Because its not produce any error or exception so i m unable to trace it.
Hi Rahul,
Ideally, the piid should not be zero. I believe the processInstance will not be created. In such case, please check bizlogic.log for any exception. BTW, how are you creating PI ? through portal/client code.
I would recommend you create a Support work request to further investogate the cause and resolution for the same.