Access to standalone web application

Posted by akhela on 24-Nov-2011 05:26


I need to access to a stand alone web application from my BPM Portal,

but I don't know how!

After I have deployed my web application I don't find my web application anywhere in my portal!

Where can I seek it? Do I have to set any particular web application properties?

thanks in advance


All Replies

Posted by Wouter Dupré on 24-Nov-2011 12:24

Hi Federico,

First of all you can check in the BPM Portal if the web application is installed. You can do this by going to the Administration tab in the Portal.

In the toolbar you find 3 buttons: System, User Management, and Applications.

Click on Applications and then on BizSolo. You will get a list of all available web applications. If the status indicates 'Installed' then you should be able to access your web application using a URL like this:


should be the machine or ip address where you installed SBM.

is the name of your web application.

Start.jsp points to the name of the start step in your application, which you most likely didn't change.



Posted by tgoto on 24-Nov-2011 12:35

Hello, I am currently out of the office, returning on November 28. I will respond to your message when I return to the office.

Best Regards,

-Tetsuaki Goto, Progress Software

Posted by akhela on 25-Nov-2011 02:31

Hi Wouter,

thanks for your answer!

I know this way to access web application through its url,

but I would know, if it's possible to access it in other way inside the bpm portal as we access to bizlogic application.

Is there a section in the portal where I can find all my web application installed (like Home - Application)?

Best regards


Posted by Wouter Dupré on 25-Nov-2011 02:39

Hi Federico,

Besides the page in the Administration tab with the overview of the installed/present web applications (BizSolo), you don't have anything readily available.

The reason is that you don't need to login to the portal to get access to a web application. It's accessible from anywhere. If you believe the addition of such feature would be useful, please log a ticket with support for an enhancement request.



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