Browsing though the samples provided with SBM I found that some of them rely on MapDeployer.cmd. Maybe somebody has information what is this tools used for? I did not find any explanation in the docs.
Thanks in advance.
-Viatcheslav Turkin.
MapDeployer tool is used to deploy all the maps that are generated for the Managed Adapters. These information(Mapping information) needs to available for the RuntimeMapper which is one of the component in Managed Adapter Framework.
Sandip, thank you for the explanation. A few further questions though.
When should I use the tool directly?
AppDeployer does this king of job, doesn't it?
Can MapDeployer be used to deploy map to JBoss Application Server?
Thanks again, Viatcheslav.
Hi Viatcheslav,
When should I use the tool directly?
Ans: When you want to update or Modify the config details of any Managed Adapter without actually (deploying/Refreshing/versioning) your applications, one case where you want to update (for e.g. SQL statements manually without versioning).
AppDeployer does this king of job, doesn't it?
Ans:Yes.It Internally takes of deploying Maps and its assoicated artifacts.
Can MapDeployer be used to deploy map to JBoss Application Server?