No report

Posted by MatthiasCoenen on 14-Feb-2012 03:34


We created a bizlogic application. This application is active on the bpm portal and works.

But there is a problem we can't see the history of the process. So when it's complete it is gone.

Also over reporting services isn't working. So we can't see how long it took to complete this task.

Can some help us with this, maybe we forgotte to activate something in the portal.



All Replies

Posted by Wouter Dupré on 14-Feb-2012 04:22

Hi Matthias,

Where are you looking for the Completed Process Instance. You should go to the Management tab -> Instances. That's where you should be able to find active and completed instances. It's also important to assign a proper manager for the process (not @Creator). This will help to find all instances of a process.



Posted by MatthiasCoenen on 14-Feb-2012 04:40

Hey Wouter,

Yes I was looking there, but no instances.

How do we assign a manager?



Posted by Wouter Dupré on 14-Feb-2012 05:00

Hi Matthias,

The manager is assigned in the process model. Go to the properties of the model. That's where you'll find it.

As for the Management Tab. Did you select the application and version first?



Posted by MatthiasCoenen on 14-Feb-2012 05:21

Hey Wouter,

I've set the manager to ebms(look picture below). But still it didn't work.

In the manager tab we can't select the application. One application is in it a Test app. But ther're 20 application installed but ony test appearce in the manager tab.



Posted by Wouter Dupré on 14-Feb-2012 05:23


Thank you for your email. Currently I'm out of the office travelling for business. I will return on February 20. During my absence I will have no/limited access access to email. For urgent matters, call me on my mobile and leave a message, call our office, or contact Gary Calcott (

Kind regards,



Wouter Dupré

Senior Solutions Consultant

Progress Software NV

A. Stocletlaan 202 B | B-2570 Duffel | Belgium

Office +32 (0) 15 30 77 00 | Mobile +32 (0) 478 50 00 49

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