Difference between workstep suspension and Instance suspensi

Posted by hirenpatel on 11-Apr-2012 13:48

Hi All,

can you help me to understand that when will workstep got suspended and when would be instance suspended ?

For example, I have one process with one adapter and in this adapter exception occurred so workstep got suspended but not process instance. so in which case process instance will get suspended ?



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Posted by sandips on 12-Apr-2012 07:53

Hello Hiran,

Workstep suspension:

Any Human or Adapter worktep when fails to execute/complete/activate goes to suspended state however ProcessInstance is still Activated.

ProcessInstance suspension:

This provision is provided incase user wants to intentionally suspend their ProcessInstance as per their business requirement. In such case, the workitems/tasks which exist in the SBM for the users will not be displayed/fetched in users task pool untill it is re-activated.



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