BizSolo Error

Posted by KoenB on 18-Jun-2012 07:47

Hi all,

We get an error when we run our BizSolo we made. The error says it give us additional information in the BizSolo log file. But it doesn't write an error there. This is the first time we got this problem. I made a screen of the error we got. Does someone knows what this error means...

Kind Regards,



All Replies

Posted by Wouter Dupré on 18-Jun-2012 07:51


Thank you for your email. Currently I'm out of the office travelling for business. I will return on June 25. During my absence I will have limited access to email. For urgent matters, call me on my mobile number and leave a message, call our office, or contact Jiri De Jagere (

Kind regards,



Wouter Dupré

Senior Solutions Consultant

Progress Software NV

A. Stocletlaan 202 B | B-2570 Duffel | Belgium

Office +32 (0) 15 30 77 00 | Mobile +32 (0) 478 50 00 49

Posted by servodata_kaan on 23-Jul-2012 02:44

Hello Koen,

Publish the process as clean option, then it will work. I run it many times but while we are on POC, i get this error,too. use clean option then it will ok.



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