Changing name of Jasper report dinamicaly

Posted by akhela on 15-Oct-2012 11:08


I have got a problem, when two people run same jasper report (notaspese.jrxml)  simultaneosly from their browser,

the files created in the server  have the same name "notaspese1297853083.pdf", and the last overwrite the  first!

The numeric part of the report name rappresents the numeric  format of Unix date time rappresentation,

then two reports made in the  same instant, have the same name!!!

Is it possible to change dinamicaly the litteral part of the report name?!

in detail, if my report name is notaspese.jrxml, I would like to have:

notaspese_USER_1_1297853083.pdf and notaspese_USER_2_1297853083.pdf

where the part USER_1 and USER_2 depends by the user who run the report?

thanks in advance,


All Replies

Posted by Wouter Dupré on 15-Oct-2012 11:13


Thank you for your email. I'm out of the office travelling for business. I will return on October 23. During my absence I will have no/limited access to email and phone. For urgent matters, please call our office, or contact Jiri De Jagere (

Kind regards,



Wouter Dupré

Senior Solutions Consultant

Progress Software NV

A. Stocletlaan 202 B | B-2570 Duffel | Belgium

Office +32 (0) 15 30 77 46 | Mobile +32 (0) 478 50 00 49

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